Ready to start your own small business? We will show you the simple steps you need to take to get started on the path to building the business of your dreams.

If you have a great idea that you think would make a profitable business, you might be one of two types of people. The one who is ready to jump right in before doing some research, OR the one who never gets things off the ground because you aren’t sure where to start. Whether you are the one jumping without a destination in sight or the one who is hesitating, this podcast is for you.

Being your own boss, setting your own hours, and being able to work from home…what could be better than that? Starting a small business of your own is easier than ever before! However, there are things you will need to consider before you begin, but we are here to guide you along the way. We know that it takes a lot of courage and bravery to pursue your true passion. When you have finished this episode, we hope you will feel empowered with the steps you need to take to get going! Remember, everything is figureout-able, and we are here to help…so let’s get started!

Before we dive into the meat of our RoadMap, there are 3 things we want you to think about regarding your potential business.

  1. Self Awareness of Your Skills and Your Knowledge
  2. Know Your Audience
  3. Decide on the Type of Business You Want

Now that we have covered those three important considerations, it’s time to go over our Beginners Roadmap to Getting Your Business Up & Running! We’re sharing 10 actionable and very doable steps to getting yourself ready to do business. Think of this as a cheat sheet we created just for you! The best part is, it’s available as a FREE download from our website at You can start marking things off of this list and make those to-dos become DONE! Nothing feels better than checking things off your list, right??

Did you find this information helpful? Do you feel like you can get started? Until we take the first step, we are stuck exactly where we are. We have to keep moving forward to our goals. Once you get through this list to make your business legitimate, you will have such a feeling of relief AND excitement. When we finished our own 10 Steps to getting our business up and running, we had to call each other to say – okay, we are really DOING THIS! And to be completely transparent, we have said (or texted) that same thing to each other quite often in these past several months. There is something exciting and maybe a little scary when we finally put ourselves out there!


Beginners Roadmap to Getting Your Business Up & Running
