Self-Awareness, Using the Enneagram As Your Guide, Is the First Step to Rediscovering Who You Are. Erin Slutsky – Accredited Enneagram Practitioner and Coach

We hope today’s episode with accredited Enneagram practitioner, life coach, speaker and author, Erin Slutsky, will be a breath of fresh air and really motivate you as you gain self awareness. By knowing your values, personality, needs, habits and emotions, and how they affect your actions and the actions of others, you will be able to better manage your stress, make better decisions and ultimately lead others to do the same. Wow…that is big!

We are self professed Enneagram fans and have used this tool for several years in our professional and personal lives. In doing some research, one of the biggest indicators of success for entrepreneurs isn’t money or intelligence or some of the other things you might expect…it’s self-awareness. And then to go further, it’s to use that self-awareness and apply it to how you run your business and how you treat others. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is extremely important when starting or scaling a business, and in your personal life as well.

If you don’t even know who you are, what you value, what your purpose is, how can you be authentic?

Self-awareness, using the Enneagram as your guide, is the first step to rediscovering who you are.

Transformation takes
1. Clarity of your situation
2. Courage to take a step
3. Confidence to make decisions


Erin Slutsky Coaching

Take the Enneagram Assessment

Erin’s What Brave Looks Like For Each Type

Erin’s Self Awareness Academy

Brave Looks Good On You

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Make sure you get OUR Complimentary “FREE Beginners Roadmap to Getting Your Business Up & Running” You can find that download and more on our website at Plus, we’d love to hear from you! Do you have a question for us? You can ask right HERE! We love hearing from you, plus that will give us great ideas for future podcasts! Until next time, remember, BRAVE looks good on you.