091: Ditching 'Little': Empowering Your Business Language with Caroline Bower

Season #2

Ditching 'Little': Empowering Your Business Language with Caroline Bower

Welcome to another inspiring episode! Today, we're joined by Caroline Bower of Bluebird Bread Company and the host of "The Bread Winner" podcast. Caroline brings a wealth of insight into transforming how we speak about our businesses. Sheā€™s here to discuss the power of language and the practical steps we can take to embrace the true value of our work.

In This Episode:

Learn why ditching the word "little" can profoundly impact how you view and grow your business.

Caroline shares 6 strategies to own the value of your business:

  1. Language really matters 
  2. Stop comparing yourself
  3. Celebrate your wins
  4. Network with confidence
  5. Invest in yourself
  6. Mindset Shift! 

 Carolineā€™s story and tips are a reminder of the strength behind our business endeavors and the importance of the words we choose to describe them. Remember, each step you take is building towards something great. Keep pushing forward, and never underestimate the impact of your work.  

And remember, Brave Looks Good On You!


The Bread Winner Podcast

Episode 11: Speak Up! Embracing the Value of your Micro Bakery Business

The Bluebird Bread Co in Bulverde, Texas

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