001: Be Brave and Overcome Your Fears: How to Start the Business of Your Dreams

Season #1 Episode #1

What really stands in our way when we are trying to launch our businesses?  What is holding us back? And what can we do to push past fears or obstacles?  

When we researched the top reasons that hold people back from making that leap into becoming a business owner, seekcapital.com said the number one reason is the fear of failure, followed by not knowing where or how to start.  And finally, people actually fear success.  This came as no surprise to us because we both felt this to our core when we were trying to get this podcast started.  The fear is real and can be paralyzing. 

So, I want you to close your eyes and imagine yourself standing in front of a very tall vertical wall, you really can’t even see the top because you are standing right against it.  What you do notice is there are no footholds and no easy way to start climbing.  To be honest, it’s just easier to stay at the bottom.  Now, imagine that wall representing the business you so badly want to create and launch.  You have this idea and you really want to change your life, but you feel defeated at the bottom of that wall.

And, why?  Because you don’t know how to JUST GET STARTED!  But, friends, you can and we are going to help you begin the climb up that wall!