004: From a Cottage Baker and Farmers Market Vendor to Creator of Opal and Onyx Cookie Co: A Conversation with the Owner, Hilary Deville

Episode #4

You are in for a treat, but we want to warn you - you will be inspired AND your sweet tooth will be activated!  We are thrilled to have Hilary Deville from Opal and Onyx Cookie Company join us today as she shares the brave steps she took to go all in and start the business she didn’t realize she needed.  Join us as Hilary tells the story of how she went from a cottage baker and farmer’s market vendor to a bakery owner and wholesaler. 

We admire Hilary's entrepreneurship and how she loves to lift up other women. She believes that when one succeeds, we all succeed! What a great outlook.

Opal & Onyx Cookie Co is located in Boerne, Texas. Many of her tasty treats are available to be shipped across the US.

Follow Hilary on Instagram @opalandonyxcookieco