010: Sticky Note Party Brainstorm - How this Simple Approach Can Make a Big Impact When You are Planning for Your Business

Episode #10

A few weeks ago, we made a post on Facebook and Instagram showing some behind-the-scenes of us launching and preparing for this Podcast.   One of the pictures included a bunch of yellow and green sticky notes all over our work table and Melissa’s wall!  We mentioned that we had a sticky note brainstorming session to help us get a lot done.  And, you all loved it!  In fact several asked us to do an episode about how to do one!  And you know what?  We loved that idea (thanks Jamie for being the first to suggest it) because it is a GREAT way to get all of your thoughts and ideas out of your head and onto paper.  And for some reason (I think you will see why), the end result is less intimidating than a big list on a sheet of paper. 


There are several reasons why you might want to hold a sticky note brainstorming session.  Narrowing down your business ideas, coming up with a new marketing strategy, developing Social Media content, finding a name for your company, or coming up with product ideas are just a few.  During this episode, you will be inspired to have your very own sticky note brainstorming session as you think through the business you are hoping to begin OR you can try this for really any work or home project! 



Beginners Roadmap to Getting Your Business Up and Running

Questions for Us?

Brave Looks Good On You

Post-It Notes

Spencer Silver

Julie Austin of Create for Cash