012: The Ways Fear Can Paralyze Us In Life and Business and How We Can Overcome It

Episode #12

Sometimes we can find ourselves doubting our decisions and being afraid to do the next hard thing.   So, we thought we would do something a little different today.  We found some quotes about fear that we’d like to share.  We think these might resonate with you, too.  We are going to go through them, talk about them and share a little about how we have stepped through some of these things.  Join us while we tackle our fears and have an honest conversation about how to keep pushing forward.

Common Fear Quotes

  • A decision to be fearless is a decision to be proud.
  • Confidence is the courage to continue and the belief in your ability to do so.
  • Fear doesn’t feed success; only determination does.
  • Don’t fear failure, fear being in the exact same place next year.
  • It’s better to try and fail than to not try at all.
  • Mistakes are simply lessons that help you grow.
  • Failure should never be an option; it should be a stepping stone.
  • This too shall pass. Everything always does!

We hope these quotes and our discussion motivated you in some way.  I know that it helped us as we discussed fear and things that keep us in one place too long. When you think of your life a year from now, do you want to be in the exact same place?  Most of us would answer no, so we hope you take today’s discussion and apply it to what might be holding you back in your business or in your life and let’s push past them together!  The name of our Podcast, Brave Looks Good on You was chosen by us for a reason.  We know from our own experience, it takes a lot to be brave and take those brave steps.  But, you know what?  We can and we will!  So, keep tuning in each week as we all work on moving forward toward our dreams. 

Remember friends, Brave Looks Good on You.