060: Speakeasy with Julie & Melissa: Unraveling the Public Speaking Knot
Speakeasy with Julie & Melissa: Unraveling the Public Speaking Knot
We’re tackling a topic that gives most of us the jitters: the fear of public speaking. Did you know that public speaking is the number one fear on entrepreneurs' lists, even ranking higher than the fear of death?
In this episode, we dive deep into strategies to overcome the fear of public speaking, whether it's speaking on a stage, addressing a PTA meeting, or even going live on social media.
We share seven valuable tips to help you conquer your fear:
1. Preparation: Know your material inside and out. Familiarity with your content reduces anxiety.
2. Practice: Rehearse your speech, even in front of a mirror or a camera. Practice builds confidence.
3. Deep Breathing: Use deep breaths to reduce anxiety and calm your nerves.
4. Positive Visualization: Visualize a successful speech and trick your brain into being excited rather than fearful.
5. Familiarize Yourself with the Venue: If possible, visit the location beforehand to get comfortable with your surroundings.
6. Engage with Your Audience: Make eye contact, ask questions, and encourage participation. Engaging with your audience can ease your nerves.
7. Accept Mistakes: Understand that mistakes will happen. Be prepared to recover gracefully and continue your speech.
We also share personal stories of our early experiences with public speaking and how we've grown to overcome our fears. Remember that facing your fear of public speaking is a journey, and it gets easier with practice.
So, whether it's speaking on stage or any situation that makes you nervous, we hope these tips help you feel more confident and less anxious. Remember, brave looks good on you!
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